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GuidoLoetscher-Portraits_215 - Kopie1.jpg


GuidoLoetscher-Portraits_215 - Kopie1.jpg

Anna Gaikovich (a)

Each piece tells a fascinating story.

(No. 2501_Texture Ténue III, 2018)

Anna Gaikovich (a)

Ihre Kunstfertigkeit kommt in diesem Stück zum Ausdruck. Was für eine fesselnde Farbmischung!

(No. 1380_Untitled, 2023)

Gaspard Renaudin (f)

Une peinture d`une grande force.

(No. 1302_Freedom, 2022)


Dark and mysterious... I love. X

(No. 1103_Doorway, 2020)


Fascinating. Your visual language is so different. The shapes and ideas are awesome. It really speaks to me and I love seeing and learning about unique forms of expression like yours. 

(No. 1757_Untitled, 2022)


Fascinating. Your visual language is so different. The shapes and ideas are awesome. It really speaks to me and I love seeing and learning about unique forms of expression like yours. 

(No. 1757_Untitled, 2022)

Ph. Mettler

Einige Ihrer Bilder strahlen eine tiefe Ruhe aus, die in mir resoniert. Wunderbar!


Super-intense. Warmth, intensity, vibrance - love love love

(No. 1364_Untitled, 2021)


When I look at your work I find myself facing an intense energy in compositional quality... It's excellent. 

(No. 1256_Iceland, 2020)


Again and again I am convinced that painting is first of all color...and the ability to reveal its magic and its ... information!

(No. 1020_Transition I, 2017)


Looking at this I get the same feeling of infinitive possibilities as I do when stand looking out at the sea

(No. 1303_Untitled, 2020)


Serene. All of the details and expressions - it really speaks to me. I love seeing and learning new ideas and unique forms of expression like yours. You have a great visual language. I’m inspired.

(No. 1754_Untitled, 2021)


Love your stuff.. awesome!

(No. 1358_Untitled, 2021)


L'abstrait dans sa plus grande démonstration !

(No. 1364_Untitled, 2021)


Tes peintures dégagent de l'émotion, c'est ce qui me plaît.

F. Lötscher

Bilder voller innerer Räume, ein Rot, das brennt, Schwarz, das sich bewegt. Sehr schön!

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